The “Green Gym” project in Eyres Monsell run by The Conservation Volunteers continues to make an enormous difference for those struggling with mental health and isolation. As a result of the grant, the Green Gym has been able to provide a support network for people, increase community inclusion, combat isolation, improve confidence and self-esteem and provide a safe environment for our service users.
Referrals to the project are made by local health and employment support professionals. Staff and volunteers provide a safe space that supports people to feel more confident and supported to overcome the challenges they face.
“The support I have received has been a massive help to me, I would not be on my road to recovery without it. It gives me the strength to find new ways to help with my anxiety. My self-esteem and confidence have also improved. It helps so much to know you have someone there to talk to when you need it. I do not feel so alone anymore.” (participant)